Therapy Services
Our Therapeutic Philosophy
At 3 Arrows, we provide researched-based, individualized care and treatment plans for our kids. We serve our families by integrating collaborative treatment and coaching using functional strategies to implement into their daily routines

Orofacial Myology
Tongue Thrusts
Tethered Oral Tissues
Sleep Disordered Breathing
Oral Habits
We work to normalize oral and facial muscles as it relates to the functions of breathing, speech, feeding (chewing and swallowing), oral rest posture, and facial development.

Early Speech
and Language
Difficulty saying certain sounds or words, or difficulty being understood
Receptive: the ability to understand language
following directions
responding to the environment
turn taking
Expressive: the ability to express our wants and needs
using gestures/signs
using verbal language (words, phrases, sentences)
Social Language & Play Skills: intentions and interactions with others
joint attention
social games
(peek-a-boo, pat-a-cake)
songs and fingerplays

We provide a safe and gentle hands-on technique using The John F. Barnes' Myofascial Release Approach
This technique helps with the following:
Feeding difficulties
Head injury
Irregular bowels
Movement dysfunction
Neurological function
This technique can aide in the release of restricted tissues in the body that can occur due to womb position, the birthing process, trauma, inflammation, and in conjunction with tongue/lip ties.

Picky Eating
Gagging or Vomiting
Difficulty Transitioning to Solids
Disinterest in Food or Eating
Transitioning from Tube to Oral Feeding
Our therapists specialize in one of the most important aspects of growing and thriving – eating! We seek to create a stress-free environment so feeding can become enjoyable.
Infant Feeding

Latch Difficulties
Painful Nursing
Inadequate Intake
Difficulty Taking a Bottle
Weight Gain Concerns
Tongue/Lip Ties
Breastfeeding Education + Support